A short update of one our most meaningful mission journeys of our lives!
A warm greeting to you all, who are reading this short update from Kenya. Our last missionary trip to Kenya happened after several years of “prayer”! Linda and me went with two couples named: Dick, Janneke, Mark and Ineke. Six different people with the same passion: To make the Lord Jesus known to all and to help the needy wherever we can. The Lord Jesus proved again to be our Forerunner. We visited women in the slums, prisoners, children at school, the elderly and orphans in and around Nairobi and the Massai Land near Narok.
Harrison and Flo Airo waited for us at the airport with 2 wonderful Landrovers. Without their help we could have never made this trip so meaningful for many! We all had full suitcases with presents for all those we were going to meet.
We started off at a Mission post called “Diguna”. Their hospitality was wonderful! Every day we all went to different schools and we gave our testimonies and of course the wonderful life changing powerful Gospel message (1 Cor. 15:3,4). For years Harrison had a desire to start a new ministry in visiting those schools. Because of our “colour” the schools opened up and Harrison has been invited back to all those schools to bring them a discipleship course of the Navigators. We also visited a school in the slums and all the children received also a meal. They were so happy with the card that we gave out to so many with the verse: I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13) with the famous slogan of our late brother Dr. Hunter: For this…………… I have JESUS!
Flo had already written to us about a new open door with women in the slums. When we arrived they greeted us with happy singing and dancing. We listened to many painful stories because of their terrible poverty and the sickness aids. Our hearts were deeply touched but we can do nothing without trustworthy people who live with them. The Lord Jesus gave them to us: Brother Evan and sister Respera. A wonderful couple, with a clear vision and burning hearts.
We could already help one of those mothers called Lidya with her six children. The children all go to school now. We were also able to help her with the rent. I write this with much gratitude in our hearts to the Lord that we can do all this.
After one week we travelled on to the Maassai area in and around Narok. Years ago brother Mark Thomas sent me there to teach at the ‘Bisset Bible College’. We gave them a festive meal and we all enjoyed their tribal songs and dances.
We visited again the orphanage and were able to donate two sheep. We were very encouraged to see a pond full of fish. An Israëli company had built that for them. Now they have their own income by selling those fish. Wonderful!
It was a miracle that an elderly home was built several years ago. It is the only one in the Maassai area. Mark and Ineke sell second hand clothes for many years in Holland for Africa. It was such a joy for them to visit for the first time. We gave them a festive meal and as a desert: The Precious Gospel message!
We visited the prison for two days. They had not seen bread since Christmas. Linda, Janneke and Ineke were alone with the lady prisoners and spoiled them. For example: What a joy they had, when they received a brush and toothpaste. All the prison ladies and children received Bibles.
Dick, Mark and me were with the more than 500 men. Their worship songs were so touching! Let me share some nuggets of truth that I shared with them: I said that they are precious and so valuable to God and also to us. I gave them the example of Philip. As a Jew he witnessed successfully to the half Jews (Samaritans). All of a sudden the Lord called him to go to Gaza and meet one black man from Africa. He explained Isaiah 53 to him and lead him through that passage to “Jesus”. Immediately he wanted to be baptized and afterwards went on reading with joy in his heart. Acts.8:29-39; Isaiah. 56:3,4. I spoke also about Lea who learned to live above her circumstances not being loved by Jacob calling her 4th son Judah (Praise).
Daily we continue to receive encouraging messages. His work goes on. Several people told us that we look so restful and so happy. To be given this privilege to give to those who are in great need is such a blessing and gives us so much joy!
We do thank you for reading this and I believe that this letter brings joy to your heart as well. Please do stand with us in prayer as we continue: His good work!
We are united through that same Person who lives in our hearts!
Mark, Ineke, Dick, Janneke, Linda and Johan send “His love” from a distant Land (Pr.25:25).